Uncovering valuable resources in waste to create a world of circular materials

Carrot aims to tackle the world’s 2 billion tons waste problem. By collecting data at the place and time where waste is thrown, their technology generates valuable insights about resources that are available for reuse, repurposing or recycling.

Today, most of these resources remain trapped inside an unspecified category of «trash». Thanks to Carrots software, public and private waste management companies can reward users for their efforts to sort recyclable materials. By connecting individuals to their waste streams, we may incentivize waste reduction and sustainable behavior.

Carrot’s data facilitates Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) solutions and increases granularity of sorted materials. This opens the door to additional revenue streams from materials that may be redirected into various value chains. Carrot is circularity in practice.

Their product has proven its value and potential, and the company is ready for scaling and expansion. Carrot was established in 2017 in Bergen, Norway, and is formerly known as WasteIQ.