People are the centerpiece of any business. People innovate. People build. People are the beating heart of success.
Disregard people, and you will have nothing.
Enchant your people, and anything becomes possible.
At Norselab, we infuse everything we do with meaning. We are in the business of supporting the frontrunners of positive change; companies who take up the battle to transform their industries. Seems daunting? Well, we have one major advantage: We have the desire, grit and freedom to design a company cultures fit to outpace anybody.
Here is our approach to high-powered company cultures. This is our People Philosophy.

#1 Resolute Openness
Tune in with openness. Loosen up and relax. When you embrace openness, magic starts happening.
When we encourage open mindsets, free flow of knowledge, and divergent thinking, we create a culture for problem-solving. If you’ve settled for a company culture where work is a competitive race and politics run wild, it’s time to shed your skin and reset your thinking.
Openness is the opposite of politics. It’s a recipe to keep us ahead of the game. Here, you should feel free to share your ideas, try new things - and even fail, as long as you fail thoughtfully. We want to create an environment where we learn from our setbacks and turn them into growth opportunities.
Think differently and your company will be like no other. Cultivate openness and chances are you will fulfill your boldest ambitions.

#2 Embracing Diversity
Where does success come from? It certainly does not spring from committees, processes or cool technology. Original ideas spring from people. People with grit. Those who dare to brave the unfamiliar.
When we build teams, we don’t only look for people with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. We also strive to connect diverse personalities, skill sets, and ways of thinking.
We believe that teams of dissimilar people are more successful because they learn to embrace new perspectives and fresh thinking. In a workplace where open minds, trustful relationships, and mutual respect rule, we can cultivate differences and healthy confrontation.
Diversity is not a buzzword. Diversity is a hard-core necessity to build a thriving company.

#3 Purposeful Focus
Where are you headed? What is your true north? If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know which path to pursue?
We all need a sense of meaningfulness in our lives. When we feel deep purpose, it helps us set priorities straight, channel novelty and inspire people to excel. Not only is it good for our personal well-being, it’s supercharging our business!
Our ecosystem is built on meaningfulness. When employees can connect their daily efforts with a higher purpose - something bigger than themselves - work is rewarding.

#4 Attitude is king
We all hire for skills. We all hunt down the smartest, brightest people out there. But we believe there is more to it. Something else entirely sets outstanding employees apart; The ability to “get things done”. Never giving up. Always aiming for excellence. Abandoning pride to let the best solution win.
People’s attitudes make all the difference, across all functions, departments and levels of responsibility. With the right attitude, you can learn anything and bounce back from any failure. You can collaborate with anyone and work your way around challenges. People with the right attitudes don’t care about titles or job descriptions; they care about doing what it takes.
That’s why we like to ask: Do you enjoy getting your hands dirty? How do you approach setbacks? And will you tackle sudden changes?
We believe in the humble and flexible doers. We believe in grit. That’s not mere intelligence, that’s attitude.

#5 Merits, not Politics
Politics at work can be devastating both for business and people. Spending time trying to tie alliances, hunting down information, positioning at the detriment of colleagues. All the while leaving you way too little time for your actual work. It’s exhausting. All that lost energy!
We can achieve so much more (and have so much more fun!) when we chase politics from the workplace and make time and space for real work. Avoiding politics is important in any company, but vital to challengers. We support each other. Help each other deliver the very best ideas and solutions. We cannot afford to waste time on such nonsense as politics, we just need to get shizzle done.
We champion anti-politics and value merits. What counts is hard work and a strong team spirit. That is what we reward at Norselab.